Invoice factoring imports generates immediate liquidity with no risk and very little cost and no borrowing to finance import transactions

Invoice Factoring Overview

Invoice Factoring is a form of SME finance and common import financing method that involves selling your invoices to professional financiers who are known as a factors. Factors are non-bank alternative source of trade funding who are in the business of purchasing receivables. A factor will pay you the value of your invoices, less a discount for commission and fees.

The factor will advance you most of the invoice amount immediately, and pay you the balance upon receipt of funds from the invoiced party. Transactions close very quickly and you will typically receive funds for newly factored invoices within 48 hours. Factoring provides you with immediate capital based on future income attributable to amounts due on existing invoices. Yours invoices function as a record of the credit extended to your customers for which payment is still due.

The terms for invoice factoring transactions vary depending on the amounts, remaining term, credit-worthiness of the customer and the internal policies and practices of the factor. The advance rate, which is the percentage of invoices or accounts receivables which are advanced by the factor vary, along with the discount and factoring fee.

Invoice factoring is not borrowing, no loan is created, no debt is created and you don’t owe money to anyone as a result of factoring your invoices. Factoring transactions do not increase liabilities on your balance sheet. All you do is sell invoices you already own. And there are no restrictions or limitations on how you use the funds you receive from the factor.

Invoice Factoring Ideas

Factoring invoices provides an ideal financing solution for growing companies in the business of cross-border trade. Invoice factoring delivers immediate liquidity and typically delivered to you within 48 hours. As an import financing idea, you sold all of the goods from your last import transaction and are waiting for payment of the invoices issued for those sales.

Invoice Factoring Idea 1

Rather than waiting until you collect the invoices to undertake your next import deal, factoring your existing invoices will free-up the capital to execute new import transactions sooner. It would shorten the cycle considerably and position you to complete two or three major import transactions annually. Invoice factoring could conceivably increase your income and profit by 20% per year or more.

Invoice Factoring Idea 2

Instead of waiting for payment, factor your invoices and use the extra liquidity to renegotiate more favorable terms and prices with your overseas exporters. The extra cash generated by factoring your invoices would provide you with tremendous leverage when dealing with your foreign vendors. With either idea, Invoice Factoring is the lever that markedly improves your bottom line without borrowing and without incurring risk.

Advantages of Invoice Factoring

No Business Credit Required

Factoring is the sale of invoices or accounts receivable. You are not borrowing money or incurring debt, so you don’t need established business credit for factoring. Factoring credit decisions are based on your customer’s ability to pay, not your business credit. Thus, Invoice Factoring is available to startup companies, when most other financing is not.

Factoring Is Fast

Once you are set up with a factor, you can most often have money in your account in 48 hours or less, much faster turnaround than a bank!

Factoring Is Not Debt

When you factor your invoices, you are selling assets not borrowing money. You do not incur debt of any kind, your liabilities don’t increase, and there is no adverse effect on your balance sheet or other financial statements.

Additional Services

After closing on a factoring transaction, it is not uncommon for the factoring company to provide additional services to their clients such as billing, invoice collections, and account receivable management, saving you time which can be spent on growing your business and increasing sales.

Manage Cash Flow

Invoice Factoring gives you the liquidity you need pay your bills and grow your business. No more waiting 60 days or more to get paid.

Unrestricted Use of Funds

Because factoring is the sale of assets (invoices or accounts receivable), your business is not incurring any debt. Thus there are no restrictions or limitations on the funds you receive from the factor. It’s your money to do with as you please.

Types of Factoring

Traditional Factoring

Traditional factoring is an ideal solution for companies that need extra cash flow to purchase inventory, cover payroll or invest in marketing. You are able to create an immediate influx of cash based on the invoices already on your books. The finance provider, known as the factor purchases all of your accounts receivables and advances you 70% to 90% of the total amount within 24 to 48 hours. The factor pays you the remainder of what you’re owed once your client pays the factor, usually 30 to 45 days later. It deducts a small fee, based on the size and age of each invoice.

Spot Factoring

Small business owners opt for this form of factoring when they do not want to factor all of their invoices. Typically, businesses will want to spot factor when they don’t need a steady flow of cash or have varying gross margins where it does not make sense to factor. Unlike traditional factoring, where the company turns over all invoices, spot factoring is available on an as-needed or one-time basis. This flexibility comes at a premium but often makes sense if you have one client that is particularly slow or if a consistent flow of capital is not needed

Construction Factoring

Construction finance offers sub-contractors and general contractors access to quick cash from your invoices so you can get the funds you need to start your next project. The financier (factor) purchases construction invoices and advances a percentage—often within 24 hours—then collects the funds and forwards the remainder of the invoice to you, less a factoring fee. Few factoring firms work with the construction industry, but we have direct lines into those that do. We will help you find the financial partner that will provide the best solution for your company’s particular situation.

Export Factoring

Export factoring works for companies that want to offer terms to international customers but still want to receive cash when the goods are delivered. The finance company or factor purchases your receivables and forwards payment, usually 70% to 90%, once it has the receivables documentation. The client pays the factor, not you, once it receives the goods. The factor pays you the balance when it receives payment from the customer, less a small fee.

Medical Services Factoring

Medical Services Factoring fills the cash gap inherent with receivables of third-party payers, such as insurance companies, Medicare or Medicaid. It gives you quick access to funds to pay bills, payroll, and buy equipment. With Medical Services Factoring, you perform a service and send the invoice to the factor. The factor then forwards a percentage of the invoice to you. After the factor collects the invoice from the debtor, you receive the remaining amount on the invoice, less the factoring fee.

Recourse v Non-Recourse Factoring

Recourse Factoring is appropriate if you have financially healthy clients. You agree to buy back or exchange with other invoices of equal or greater value, noncollectable invoices. Recourse factoring offers lower fee because of less risk.

With non-recourse factoring risk of insolvency and non-payment is transferred to the Factor. The Factor cannot come back to you for payment if the customer fails to pay. The Factor is not required to cover disputed invoices.

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